Obviously the left hand side is what I worked on last week. Prior to that we had a basket that was full and jumbled with everything. If you wanted band aids, you had to dig and good luck finding the antibiotic cream to go with them. It was a pain!
I'm not sure if you can tell but there are cookbooks on the right hand side of this one....I didn't even know I had these! Also, when I pulled everything out....I found 5 months worth of heartworm prevention for the dog (all you pet owners know how much that stuff costs! ) Yay!
Ahhhh....much better!
This side didn't change much. The meds are divided into, adult meds, bandages, and then kids meds.
Those boxes in the back are my son's asthma medicine. It takes up a lot of room but we have to have it on hand. I never stacked it like that before...so much better. This cabinet is so much better now!

Looks good. Funny.. we both had cookbooks in with our vitamins. :P